【082】探索频道《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》第1-18季全363集 英语中字 官方纯净收藏版 1080P/MP4/948G 恶海捕蟹记

【082】探索频道《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》第1-18季全363集 英语中字 官方纯净收藏版 1080P/MP4/948G 恶海捕蟹记

又名:Deadliest Catch: Crab Fishing in Alaska/Alaskan Crab Fishing/致命捕猎/渔人的搏斗/恶海捕蟹记/致命捕捞;是美国制作公司Original Productions为探索频道制作的一档真人秀节目,记录了捕蟹船如何在白令海蟹季捕捉阿拉斯加帝王蟹和松叶蟹。该节目是在阿拉斯...

又名:Deadliest Catch: Crab Fishing in Alaska/Alaskan Crab Fishing/致命捕猎/渔人的搏斗/恶海捕蟹记/致命捕捞;是美国制作公司Original Productions为探索频道制作的一档真人秀节目,记录了捕蟹船如何在白令海蟹季捕捉阿拉斯加帝王蟹和松叶蟹。该节目是在阿拉斯加帝王蟹季和松叶蟹季这两个捕蟹季,用捕蟹船在船上拍摄的。



本站收录的《渔人的搏斗/致命捕猎 Deadliest Catch 2005-2022》自2005年连载至今共制作18季,加幕后特辑共363集,除早期的第一季(第5集无字幕),第二季清晰度为720P,其他均为1080P无水印官方纯净版,字幕为外挂官方中文字幕(但是翻译并不太好),总大小约948G,加解压空间硬盘至少需要2T剩余大小才能全部解压。内容多文件大,可按需下载!

  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第一季 全10集(11.9G) 外挂中字 720P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第二季 全12集(13.9G) 外挂中字 720P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第三季 全12集(28.5G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第四季 全16集(37.9G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第五季 全16集(37.9G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第六季 全16集(37.7G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第七季 全16集(40.2G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第八季 全16集(42.7G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第九季 全16集(39.3G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十季 全16集+9集幕后(85.2G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十一季 全18集+9集幕后(83.7G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十二季 全20集+4集幕后(99G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十三季 全19集+4集幕后(64G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十四季 全20集+8集幕后(85.6G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十五季 全21集+4集幕后(66.2G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十六季 全23集+7集幕后(69.8G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十七季 全22集(73.3G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版
  • 《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十八季 全12集+1集幕后(30.3G) 外挂中字 1080P 官方纯净版

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第一季 全10集(11.9G) 目录

  • Deadliest Catch S01E01:Greenhorns 绿角
  • Deadliest Catch S01E02:Sleepless Nights 不眠之夜
  • Deadliest Catch S01E03:Lady Luck 幸运女神
  • Deadliest Catch S01E04:Beat the Clock 抢占时间
  • Deadliest Catch S01E05:Dead of Winter 寒冬之死
  • Deadliest Catch S01E06:Man Overboard 落水的人
  • Deadliest Catch S01E07:High Hopes 寄予厚望
  • Deadliest Catch S01E08:Good Fishing 好钓鱼
  • Deadliest Catch S01E09:The Clock、s Ticking 时间在催促
  • Deadliest Catch S01E10:The Final Run 最后的拼搏

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第二季 全12集(13.9G) 目录

  • Deadliest Catch S02E01:Heading Out to Sea 出海
  • Deadliest Catch S02E02:Batten Down the Hatches 压下舱口
  • Deadliest Catch S02E03:On the Crab 在螃蟹船上
  • Deadliest Catch S02E04:The Finish Line 终点线
  • Deadliest Catch S02E05:Friends and Rivals 朋友和对手
  • Deadliest Catch S02E06:A New Hunt Begins 新的狩猎开始
  • Deadliest Catch S02E07:Smoke on the Water 水面上的烟雾
  • Deadliest Catch S02E08:Man vs Ice 人与冰的对决
  • Deadliest Catch S02E09:On the Edge 在边缘
  • Deadliest Catch S02E10:Pribilof Stare 船长的凝视
  • Deadliest Catch S02E11:Race Against the Ice 冰雪赛跑
  • Deadliest Catch S02E12:Cashing In 兑现

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第三季 全12集(28.5G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S03E01:A Tragic Beginning 悲剧的开始
  • Deadliest Catch S03E02:The Unforgiving Sea 无情的大海
  • Deadliest Catch S03E03:Pain and Paybacks 痛苦与回报
  • Deadliest Catch S03E04:Cheating Death 躲过死神
  • Deadliest Catch S03E05:Bering Sea Salvation 白令海救助
  • Deadliest Catch S03E06:The Last Lap 最后一圈
  • Deadliest Catch S03E07:New Beginnings 新的开始
  • Deadliest Catch S03E08:Caught in the Storm 被困在风暴中
  • Deadliest Catch S03E09:Crossing the Line 越线
  • Deadliest Catch S03E10:Trials of the Greenhorns 新手的试炼
  • Deadliest Catch S03E11:Ice and Open Water 冰和开放水域
  • Deadliest Catch S03E12:A Frozen Finish 冰冻的结局

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第四季 全16集(37.9G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S04E01:Get‘Em Back Safe! 让他们安全回来!
  • Deadliest Catch S04E02:Striking Out 罢工
  • Deadliest Catch S04E03:A Numbers Game 数字游戏
  • Deadliest Catch S04E04:Unsafe and Unsound 不安全和不健全
  • Deadliest Catch S04E05:No Mercy 不留情面
  • Deadliest Catch S04E06:Racing the Clock 与时间赛跑
  • Deadliest Catch S04E07:Seeking the Catch 寻找捕获
  • Deadliest Catch S04E08:No Season for Old Men 老人没有季节
  • Deadliest Catch S04E09:Storm Season 暴风雨季节
  • Deadliest Catch S04E10:Blow Up 炸毁
  • Deadliest Catch S04E11:Big Weather, Big Trouble 坏天气,大麻烦
  • Deadliest Catch S04E12:Mortal Men 平凡人
  • Deadliest Catch S04E13:Fresh Blood 鲜血
  • Deadliest Catch S04E14:Changing Tides 变潮
  • Deadliest Catch S04E15:Catch as Catch Can 像爪一样抓
  • Deadliest Catch S04E16:The Final Hour 最后一小时

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第五季 全16集(37.9G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S05E01:Everything on the Line 万事俱备
  • Deadliest Catch S05E02:Red Skies in the Morning 早晨的红色天空
  • Deadliest Catch S05E03:Stay Focused or Die 保持专注或死亡
  • Deadliest Catch S05E04:Put Up or Shut Up 站起来还是闭嘴
  • Deadliest Catch S05E05:Long Haul, Short Fuses 长途,短保险丝
  • Deadliest Catch S05E06:Deadline 截止日期
  • Deadliest Catch S05E07:Down to the Wire 彻头彻尾
  • Deadliest Catch S05E08:Payback Time 回报时间
  • Deadliest Catch S05E09:No Second Chances 没有第二次机会
  • Deadliest Catch S05E10:Sea of Misery 苦难之海
  • Deadliest Catch S05E11:Lockout 锁定
  • Deadliest Catch S05E12:A Slap in the Face 一记耳光
  • Deadliest Catch S05E13:Ends of the Earth 天涯海角
  • Deadliest Catch S05E14:Bitter Tears 苦涩的眼泪
  • Deadliest Catch S05E15:Day of Reckoning 清算日
  • Deadliest Catch S05E16:Shipwrecked 海难

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第六季 全16集(37.7G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S06E01:Slow Burn 缓慢燃烧
  • Deadliest Catch S06E02:Breaking’Em In 打破
  • Deadliest Catch S06E03:Sea Tested 体验
  • Deadliest Catch S06E04:Bering Sea Swim Club 白令海游泳俱乐部
  • Deadliest Catch S06E05:Arctic Quest 极地冒险
  • Deadliest Catch S06E06:False Pass 假传球
  • Deadliest Catch S06E07:When Hell Freezes Over 当地狱结冰时
  • Deadliest Catch S06E08:We:re Not in Kansas Anymore 我们:不在堪萨斯了
  • Deadliest Catch S06E09:Glory Days 光辉岁月
  • Deadliest Catch S06E10:The Darkened Seas 黑暗的海洋
  • Deadliest Catch S06E11:Blown Off Course 风吹走了一切
  • Deadliest Catch S06E12:Empty Throne 空的王座
  • Deadliest Catch S06E13:Cain and Abel 盖隐和亚伯
  • Deadliest Catch S06E14:Redemption Day 救赎日
  • Deadliest Catch S06E15:Valhalla 瓦尔哈拉
  • Deadliest Catch S06E16:Endless 无尽

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第七季 全16集(40.2G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S07E01:New Blood 新鲜血液
  • Deadliest Catch S07E02:Proving Grounds 试验场
  • Deadliest Catch S07E03:Old Age and Treachery~1 晚年与背叛
  • Deadliest Catch S07E04:Breaking Point 断点
  • Deadliest Catch S07E05:A Wing and a Prayer 翅膀和祈祷
  • Deadliest Catch S07E06:Exit Wounds 伤口
  • Deadliest Catch S07E07:Thick as Thieves 像盗贼一样厚实
  • Deadliest Catch S07E08:Graduation Day 毕业典礼
  • Deadliest Catch S07E09:Sea Change 巨变
  • Deadliest Catch S07E10:Frontier Medicine 现场医疗
  • Deadliest Catch S07E11:Birds, Bones and Blood 鸟,骨头和血
  • Deadliest Catch S07E12:Not All Mai Tais and Yahtzee
  • Deadliest Catch S07E13:Pirate School 海盗学校
  • Deadliest Catch S07E14:The Island 岛屿
  • Deadliest Catch S07E15:I Smell a Nightmare 我闻到噩梦的味道
  • Deadliest Catch S07E16:Mohawks and Madness 莫霍克和疯狂

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第八季 全16集(42.7G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S08E01:The Gamble 赌博
  • Deadliest Catch S08E02:Turf War 地盘大战
  • Deadliest Catch S08E03:Weak Links 薄弱环节
  • Deadliest Catch S08E04:The Hook 钩子
  • Deadliest Catch S08E05:Alien Abduction 外星人绑架
  • Deadliest Catch S08E06:Vital Signs 生命体征
  • Deadliest Catch S08E07:I Don‘t Wanna Die 我不想死
  • Deadliest Catch S08E08:The Aftermath 后果
  • Deadliest Catch S08E09:Nowhere to Go But Down 无处可去,只能继续
  • Deadliest Catch S08E10:Rise and Fall 兴衰
  • Deadliest Catch S08E11:No Exit 没有退路
  • Deadliest Catch S08E12:Collision Course 碰撞路线
  • Deadliest Catch S08E13:Landlocked 内陆
  • Deadliest Catch S08E14:Fearless Leaders 无畏的领袖
  • Deadliest Catch S08E15:Release the Beast 释放野兽
  • Deadliest Catch S08E16:The Bitter, Bloody End 苦涩的血腥结局

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第九季 全16集(39.3G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S09E01:Mutiny on the Bering Sea 白令海的叛乱
  • Deadliest Catch S09E02:Dagger in the Back 背后的匕首
  • Deadliest Catch S09E03:Blood in the Morning 早晨的鲜血
  • Deadliest Catch S09E04:The Crooke and the Tangler 克鲁克与缠结者
  • Deadliest Catch S09E05:Judgment Day 审判日
  • Deadliest Catch S09E06:Fist to the Face 拳头打脸
  • Deadliest Catch S09E07:Goodbye Jake 再见杰克
  • Deadliest Catch S09E08:Kicking Off With a Bang 从一声巨响开始
  • Deadliest Catch S09E09:The Storm of the Season 季节风暴
  • Deadliest Catch S09E10:Sleeping With the Enemy 与敌人同眠
  • Deadliest Catch S09E11:We:re Not Gonna Take It 我们:不会接受
  • Deadliest Catch S09E12:Listing Lover 家人
  • Deadliest Catch S09E13:So You Wanna Be a Boat Owner 想成为船主
  • Deadliest Catch S09E14:Ship of Iron, Men of Steel 钢铁之船
  • Deadliest Catch S09E15:Man Overboard 落水的人
  • Deadliest Catch S09E16:The Final Battle 最后的战斗

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十季 全16集+9集幕后(85.2G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S10E01:Careful What You Wish For 小心你的愿望
  • Deadliest Catch S10E02:Family Affair 家事
  • Deadliest Catch S10E03:Darwin’s Law 达尔文定律
  • Deadliest Catch S10E04:Against the Law 违反法律
  • Deadliest Catch S10E05:On The Rocks 在岩石上
  • Deadliest Catch S10E06:Falling Down 坠落
  • Deadliest Catch S10E07:Lost at Sea 迷失在海上
  • Deadliest Catch S10E08:Cornelia Marie Blue 科妮莉亚玛丽蓝
  • Deadliest Catch S10E09:Skipper Harris in Training 训练中的船长哈里斯
  • Deadliest Catch S10E11:Blonde Ambition 金发野心
  • Deadliest Catch S10E12:Women Drivers 女车手
  • Deadliest Catch S10E13:Greatest Game Ever Fished 最伟大的游戏
  • Deadliest Catch S10E14:Breaking Mandy 打破曼迪
  • Deadliest Catch S10E15:Sabotage 破坏
  • Deadliest Catch S10E16:My Name Is the Lord 我的名字是主
  • Deadliest Catch S10E102:Legend of the Northwestern 西北传奇
  • Deadliest Catch S10E104:Sacked! 被解雇!
  • Deadliest Catch S10E105:Think Like a Captain 像船长一样思考
  • Deadliest Catch S10E106:Out of Bounds 出界
  • Deadliest Catch S10E107:The Comeback Kid 复出小子
  • Deadliest Catch S10E108:Miracle on Ice 冰上奇迹
  • Deadliest Catch S10E109:Hit the Showers 淋浴
  • Deadliest Catch S10E10:Fisherman:s Daughter 渔夫的女儿
  • Deadliest Catch S10E110:Unnecessary Roughness 不必要的粗糙度
  • Deadliest Catch S10E112:Touchdown 达阵

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十一季 全18集+9集幕后(83.7G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S11E01:A Brotherhood Tested 兄弟的考验
  • Deadliest Catch S11E02:Prodigal Son 浪子
  • Deadliest Catch S11E03:The Ultimatum 最后通牒
  • Deadliest Catch S11E04:Super Typhoon Part 1 超级台风1
  • Deadliest Catch S11E05:Super Typhoon Part 2 超级台风2
  • Deadliest Catch S11E06:Wasted Talent 浪费的人才
  • Deadliest Catch S11E07:Heavy Lies The Crown 沉重的王冠
  • Deadliest Catch S11E08:Zero Hour 零时
  • Deadliest Catch S11E09:Hell‘s Bells 地狱之钟
  • Deadliest Catch S11E10:Lunatic Fringe 疯狂边缘
  • Deadliest Catch S11E11:New Captain on the Block 街区的新船长
  • Deadliest Catch S11E12:5-Year Storm Part 1 5 年风暴1
  • Deadliest Catch S11E13:5-Year Storm Part 2 5 年风暴2
  • Deadliest Catch S11E14:Bite the Hand 咬手
  • Deadliest Catch S11E15:New Blood, Old Wounds 新血,旧伤
  • Deadliest Catch S11E16:Beastmode 野兽模式
  • Deadliest Catch S11E17:I’m the Captain 我:是船长
  • Deadliest Catch S11E18:We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight 我们还没有开始战斗
  • Deadliest Catch S11E103:Baiting Up and Boxing Out 诱饵和拳击
  • Deadliest Catch S11E104:Legend of the Cornelia Marie 科妮莉亚玛丽的传说
  • Deadliest Catch S11E106:Band of Bering Sea Brothers 白令海兄弟乐队
  • Deadliest Catch S11E107:Firestorm 火风暴
  • Deadliest Catch S11E108:A Stocking Full of Crab 满是螃蟹的长袜
  • Deadliest Catch S11E109:Young Guns at the Helm 掌舵的年轻枪手
  • Deadliest Catch S11E110:Fishing in the Ditch 在沟里钓鱼
  • Deadliest Catch S11E112:Asleep at the Wheel 在方向盘上睡着了
  • Deadliest Catch S11E114:The Final Countdown 最后的倒计时

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十二季 全20集+4集幕后(99G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S12E01:Carpe Diem 及时行乐
  • Deadliest Catch S12E02:First Timers 初学者
  • Deadliest Catch S12E03:Legend Of The Wizard 巫师传奇
  • Deadliest Catch S12E04:No Good Deed 没有善行
  • Deadliest Catch S12E05:Swedish Twins 瑞典双胞胎
  • Deadliest Catch S12E06:Million-Dollar Bet 百万美元的赌注
  • Deadliest Catch S12E07:100‘ Injury Rate 受伤率
  • Deadliest Catch S12E08:Cold War 冷战
  • Deadliest Catch S12E09:Winter is Coming 冬天来了
  • Deadliest Catch S12E10:Into the Gale 大风中
  • Deadliest Catch S12E11:Proving Grounds 试验场
  • Deadliest Catch S12E12:Raw Deal 原始交易
  • Deadliest Catch S12E13:Settling the Score 解决分数
  • Deadliest Catch S12E14:Fire at Sea: Part 1 海上火灾1
  • Deadliest Catch S12E15:Fire at Sea: Part 2 海上火灾2
  • Deadliest Catch S12E16:Blood and Guts 鲜血和内脏
  • Deadliest Catch S12E17:Life or Death Decision 生死抉择
  • Deadliest Catch S12E18:The Widowmaker: Part 1 寡妇制造者1
  • Deadliest Catch S12E19:The Widowmaker: Part 2 寡妇制造者2
  • Deadliest Catch S12E20:Sig Hansen Legacy 西格汉森遗产
  • Deadliest Catch S12E101:Deadliest Catch Season in Hell 最致命的捕捞季节
  • Deadliest Catch S12E102:Real-Time from Dutch Harbor 来自荷兰港
  • Deadliest Catch S12E105:The Face of Fear 恐惧的面孔
  • Deadliest Catch S12E107:Beaten and Battered 殴打和殴打

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十三季 全19集+4集幕后(64G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S13E01 Uncharted Territory 未知领域
  • Deadliest Catch S13E02 Seismic Shift 地震变化
  • Deadliest Catch S13E03 Down in Flames 火焰中坠落
  • Deadliest Catch S13E04 Crushing Blows 粉碎打击
  • Deadliest Catch S13E05 Bad Moon 坏月亮
  • Deadliest Catch S13E06 Hail Mary, Full Of Crab 冰雹玛丽,满是螃蟹
  • Deadliest Catch S13E07 Poisoned at Sea 在海上中毒
  • Deadliest Catch S13E08 40-Foot Monsters 英尺怪物
  • Deadliest Catch S13E09 The Russian Line 俄罗斯线
  • Deadliest Catch S13E10 Back to the Killing Season 回到杀戮季节
  • Deadliest Catch S13E11 Hurricane Alley 飓风巷
  • Deadliest Catch S13E12 Arctic Mega Storm 北极超级风暴
  • Deadliest Catch S13E13 Dead-Stick 死-棒
  • Deadliest Catch S13E14 450 Mile Storm450 英里风暴
  • Deadliest Catch S13E15 Respect Earned 赢得尊重
  • Deadliest Catch S13E16 Man Down 倒下的人
  • Deadliest Catch S13E17 Hillstrand’s Last Catch 最后一次捕捞
  • Deadliest Catch S13E18 Lost at Sea 在海上丢失
  • Deadliest Catch S13E19 Last Damn Arctic Storm 该死的北极风暴
  • Deadliest Catch S13E102 Evolution of Danger 危险进化
  • Deadliest Catch S13E103 The Legend Of Wild Bill 野比尔传奇
  • Deadliest Catch S13E104 A Hillstrand 4th of July 月 4 日的希尔斯特兰德
  • Deadliest Catch S13E105 Johnathan Hillstrand Legacy 乔纳森·希尔斯特兰德遗产

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十四季 全20集+8集幕后(85.6G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S14E01 Battle Lines 战线
  • Deadliest Catch S14E02 First Blood 第一滴血
  • Deadliest Catch S14E03 Dead in the Water 死在水中
  • Deadliest Catch S14E04 Salt Wounds 盐伤
  • Deadliest Catch S14E05 Collision Void 碰撞虚空
  • Deadliest Catch S14E06 Arctic Hurricane 北极飓风
  • Deadliest Catch S14E07 Clash of Kings 列王之战
  • Deadliest Catch S14E08 Becoming Captain 成为船长
  • Deadliest Catch S14E09 Purgatory 炼狱
  • Deadliest Catch S14E10 Winter s Curse 冬天的诅咒
  • Deadliest Catch S14E11 Blackout 停电
  • Deadliest Catch S14E112 Salt and Steel 盐与钢
  • Deadliest Catch S14E12 Winter s Fury 冬天的愤怒
  • Deadliest Catch S14E13 Baptism by Fire 火的洗礼
  • Deadliest Catch S14E14 Supermoon Storm 超级月亮风暴
  • Deadliest Catch S14E15 Greenhorn Overboard 绿角落水
  • Deadliest Catch S14E16 Turf Wars 地盘大战
  • Deadliest Catch S14E17 No Safe Harbor 没有安全港
  • Deadliest Catch S14E18 Blood and Water 血与水
  • Deadliest Catch S14E19 Storm Surge 风暴潮
  • Deadliest Catch S14E20 Battle Scars 战痕
  • Deadliest Catch S14E104 Legend of Jake Anderson 杰克安德森传奇
  • Deadliest Catch S14E105 Coast Guard Heroes 海岸警卫队英雄
  • Deadliest Catch S14E106 Bering Sea Triangle 白令海三角
  • Deadliest Catch S14E107 Surviving Winter s Wrath 幸存的寒冬之怒
  • Deadliest Catch S14E108 Breakdowns at Sea 故障
  • Deadliest Catch S14E110 Trial by Captain 船长的试验
  • Deadliest Catch S14E111 Every Crabber s Nightmare 每个螃蟹的噩梦

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十五季 全21集+4集幕后(66.2G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S15E01:Battle of Kings 王者之战
  • Deadliest Catch S15E02:Super Swarm 超级虫群
  • Deadliest Catch S15E03:Knife in the Ribs 肋骨中的刀
  • Deadliest Catch S15E04:Single Point of Failure 单点故障
  • Deadliest Catch S15E05:Shifting Stack 移位堆栈
  • Deadliest Catch S15E06:Blood in the Water 水中的鲜血
  • Deadliest Catch S15E07:Winter is Here 冬天来了
  • Deadliest Catch S15E08:Tough Inheritance 艰难的传承
  • Deadliest Catch S15E09:Russian Roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌
  • Deadliest Catch S15E10:Curse of the Russian Line 俄罗斯线的诅咒
  • Deadliest Catch S15E11:Hell Hath No Fury 地狱无怒
  • Deadliest Catch S15E12:Sixty-Foot Monster 六十尺怪物
  • Deadliest Catch S15E13:Crane Wreck 起重机残骸
  • Deadliest Catch S15E14:Devil:s Cut 恶魔之切
  • Deadliest Catch S15E15:Unbreakable 牢不可破
  • Deadliest Catch S15E16:Hell or High Water 地狱或高水位
  • Deadliest Catch S15E17:Unholy Alliance 邪恶联盟
  • Deadliest Catch S15E18:Dark Ship 黑暗之船
  • Deadliest Catch S15E19:Time and Tide Wait for No Man 时间和潮汐
  • Deadliest Catch S15E20:Dead or Alive 死或生
  • Deadliest Catch S15E21:Now or Never 现在或永远
  • Deadliest Catch S15E101:Unfinished Business 未竟之事
  • Deadliest Catch S15E102:Born Into Chaos 生于混沌
  • Deadliest Catch S15E104:Tortured to Greatness 最致命的渔获
  • Deadliest Catch S15E106:The Making of Deadliest Catch 致命的渔获的制作

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十六季 全23集+7集幕后(69.8G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S16E01:Cold War Rivals 冷战对手
  • Deadliest Catch S16E02:Typhoon Hagibis 台风海贝思
  • Deadliest Catch S16E03:Breaking Point 断点
  • Deadliest Catch S16E04:Shotguns and Fist Fights 霰弹枪和拳头
  • Deadliest Catch S16E05:Double Agent 双重特工
  • Deadliest Catch S16E06:The Bleeding Edge 出血边缘
  • Deadliest Catch S16E07:Into the Red 进入红色
  • Deadliest Catch S16E08:Mayday Mayday 求救求救
  • Deadliest Catch S16E09:Cold War Heating Up 冷战升温
  • Deadliest Catch S16E10:Harm’s Way 危害
  • Deadliest Catch S16E112:Sinking of F:V Scandies Rose 沉没
  • Deadliest Catch S16E11:Chase Boat Rescue 追逐船救援
  • Deadliest Catch S16E12:Dutch Harbor Double Cross 荷兰港双十字
  • Deadliest Catch S16E13:Bomb Cyclone 炸弹旋风
  • Deadliest Catch S16E14:Bering Sea Crash 白令海空难
  • Deadliest Catch S16E15:Gut Instinct 直觉
  • Deadliest Catch S16E16:Bering Sea Wrecking Ball 白令海破坏球
  • Deadliest Catch S16E17:Danger Close 危险解除
  • Deadliest Catch S16E18:Like Father Like Daughter 像父亲像女儿
  • Deadliest Catch S16E19:Rogue Wave Juggernaut 流氓波剑圣
  • Deadliest Catch S16E20:A Problem Like Maria 像玛丽亚这样的问题
  • Deadliest Catch S16E21:End of the Beginning 开始的结束
  • Deadliest Catch S16E22:Blood is Thicker Than Water 血浓于水
  • Deadliest Catch S16E23:Everything Changes 一切都变了
  • Deadliest Catch S16E101:Before the Catch 捕获之前
  • Deadliest Catch S16E103:The New Cornelia Marie 新科妮莉亚玛丽
  • Deadliest Catch S16E104:Harris Bloodline 哈里斯血统
  • Deadliest Catch S16E105:Too Close for Comfort 生病了
  • Deadliest Catch S16E107:The Better Captain 更好的船长
  • Deadliest Catch S16E108:Big New Boat 大新船

《渔人的搏斗 Deadliest Catch》第十八季 全12集+1集幕后(30.3G) 目录(机翻)

  • Deadliest Catch S18E01:Long Live King Crab! 帝王蟹万岁
  • Deadliest Catch S18E02:No Sleep Till Rescue 不睡觉直到救援
  • Deadliest Catch S18E03:One Hell of a Story to Tell 一个地狱般的故事
  • Deadliest Catch S18E04:Invasive Russian Reds 入侵
  • Deadliest Catch S18E05:Desperate Measures 绝招
  • Deadliest Catch S18E06:Brother in the Bight 海湾兄弟
  • Deadliest Catch S18E07:Follow the Rainbow 跟随彩虹
  • Deadliest Catch S18E08:Deepest Alaska 阿拉斯加深处
  • Deadliest Catch S18E09:Rip Tide 激流
  • Deadliest Catch S18E107:
  • Deadliest Catch Trailer 预告片
  • Deadliest Catch S18E10:Dark Waters 黑暗水域
  • Deadliest Catch S18E11:No Good Deed Unpunished 逍遥法外
  • Deadliest Catch S18E12:Sailor‘s Delight 水手的喜悦

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